Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Still in the game

So I had another dark:30 appointment at the RE today. When he walked in he asked how I'm doing. Does he really want to know? Does he want to know that I am completely heartbroken for my friend T? Does he want to know that I am so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired that I just might scream? I don't think so. I just told him that I'm about done with all this fun. Then to lay back and let the fun begin! I have 5 almost mature follicles on my right ovary and my left ovary is still being the bitch that she is and hiding way behind my uterus. What the heck is that about? Really? When I asked the RE about my blood levels being so high indicating more follicles than we would like he told me that with Lucy Lefty over there hiding the chance of getting pregnant from that ovary is slim to none. She is just too far away from Beauty Tube so we will proceed from here on out as if I just have Mighty Righty doing all the work.

So now we wait. Wait for the results of today's blood work to see what my E2 levels are and to see if I trigger tonight or tomorrow. Either way the IUIs are scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Hooray. No more Follistim for me!

In an only in New York moment, the RE asked me why I looked so upset. I told him about T and in true New Yorker style he came to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Yes, that does suck!" What caring, what professionalism. You know what? It was exactly what I needed to hear. On another note if I do get pregnant this cycle I can say that Natalie Portman's father knocked me up! Yep! Dr. H is on call Friday and Saturday and is Natalie Portman's father! Now do you think he can put a little of that tiny, beautiful, talented baby girl mojo on F's "donation?" It would be nice!

I'll update later when I get my numbers in.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

God has a way of soothing the hurt

I was reeling from my friend's sad news. (BTW I heard you say, "You think?") I was so sad. I found a blog written by a woman who was dying from Cancer. She was a new mother and a wife and had everything to live for. She was angry that her body was betraying her and taking her away from her children and husband. She found this passage in a book called Kitchen Table Wisdom (credit coming soon as I cannot remember the author.) While the passage is talking about cancer and dying, I found it comforting to me in this IF struggle as well. I hope it helps you too.

“I had thought joy to be rather synonymous with happiness, but it seems now to be far less vulnerable than happiness. Joy seems to be a part of an unconditional will to live, not holding back because life may not meet our preferences and expectations. Joy seems to be a function of the willingness to accept the whole, and to show up to meet with whatever is there. It has a kind of invincibility that attachment to any particular outcome would deny us. Rather than the warrior who fights toward a specific outcome and therefore is haunted by the specter of failure and disappointment, it is the lover drunk with the opportunity to love despite the possibility of love, the player for whom playing has become more important than winning or losing. Surrendering our lives to God gives us the freedom to experience real joy.

“The willingness to win or lose moves us out of an adversarial relationship to life and into a powerful kind of openness. From such a position, we can make a greater commitment to life. Not only pleasant life, or comfortable life, or our idea of life, but all life. Joy seems more closely related to aliveness than to happiness.”

Well, f'ity f' f' f'!!!!!!

I just can't freaking believe this.  I know a lady who is the sweetest, dearest, most wonderful friend anyone could ever hope for.  She always goes out of her way to make sure everyone is supported and loved.  I just found out that she miscarried for the second time today. OK I'll say it FUCK!!!!!! I'm sorry for the language, but oh gee whiz and fiddley sticks just doesn't cut it.

This isn't about me, but I'm really wondering why I should even go for my monitoring appointment tomorrow.  Even if I don't get canceled, which I probably will, or if I do get pregnant, which I probably won't, what is the point?  Won't I just miscarry like so many of my friends lately?

Dang, dang, diggity dong dang!  Nope it just doesn't express the mood of tonight.  


Monday, November 10, 2008

A few pics from Disney

In order not to obsess over what might be I will just obsess on what is! Here are a couple pictures of my boys! They are so handsome and the light of my life. I love to watch them sleep. I love to hear the conversations they have. I remember laying awake when they were tiny and listening to them "talk" to each other in the mornings. They had to have their 30 minutes of wake up time just playing and talking before I would go in to get them or the day would be thrown off. I so want to experience that falling in love again. It is the greatest wish of my life, but if for some reason God chooses not to bless me again, I know that I am already blessed among women!

Here is J!

Now P! How cute are they with those front teeth missing? Really???

P with Chef Mickey

J with Chef Mickey

Waiting, waiting, waiting

Thank God for weekends! The waiting is so much easier then. With dh and the boys running here and there, grocery shopping, and of course Dolphins Football we are too busy to even think about if there is a baby cooking in my belly. Then Monday morning comes and it is back to school, making lunches and snacks. I have to make sure that the boys' backpacks are packed and get them dressed for the cold weather that has once again snuck up on us! Hooray! NO time to obsess! And then... the boys are on the bus and I'm home alone. I am trying so hard to keep positive and not really think of this, but it is hard. I can say that I'm 5 days into the 14 day wait so more than 1/3 of the way there! Go me!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ahh! The fun of the two week wait.

Yesterday we had our first IUI. For a procedure that can ultimately change your life it really is a non-event. DH went in the morning of and delivered his "donation." Then I went in at 1:30. I waited a bit and the receptionist told me to go pick up the specimen. I went to the lab, gave my photo ID & waited. That was really the most complicated part of the procedure. When the "boys" were safely in my posession I went back across the hall to the clinic and a nurse met me and described the procedure. The RE came in, inserted the specimen and did an ultrasound. After that I laid flat for 15 minutes and then was on my way.

So now all there is to do is wait. I can only hope and pray that this will work. If not we are taking next month off and then starting again in January.

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It is in God's hands now

What a crazy wacky cycle this has been. I told myself I wasn't going to obsess. I told myself I wasn't going to drive myself and dh crazy. LOL! I was doing it. I was peeing on the ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor sticks, regular OPK and even took an hpt just to make sure that there wasn't something funky going on with my pee. No, I'm not obsessing. Right? Then came the thermometer issues and my temps being so very very low. Finally, I had basically no CM whatsover. I couldn't even really call it creamy. It was just gone. What is going on? I finally came to the conclusion that July was going to be anovulatory and quit feeding the monitor sticks b/c they are so dang expensive. I was a little disappointed, but not surprised b/c for some reason July is almost always an off month for me. So what happens. 2 days after stopping all tracking except for BBT I get a tiny bit of EWCM. Not as much as usual, but it was some. My temp spiked and I thought I had finally Ovulated. Yesterday my temp was back down but to my normal pre O temp. Hmmmm? Maybe I didn't ovulate. Then the EWCM started up in abundance! Holy Moly I think it was all just sitting and waiting for O day! Dh and I managed, despite incredible fatigue, to get busy and hopefully the little soldiers are having a party with the egg.

I started the lovenox on CD 12 and will continue until either af shows or the baby is almost ready to be delivered. I'm hoping for the latter of course.

But I am determined NOT to test until August 1 or 4th as those are the days that I got bfp with my twins. I will not pull and push on my BBS to see if they are sore. If I get nauseous I will assume it is something I ate and not early morning sickness. I will play with my sons and be grateful that they are in my life. I will not obsess. It is too emotionally exhausting!

It is a plan at least. We'll see how well I do with it.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Hi everybody!

Wow! Here we go! Let me introduce myself and tell you a little bit about the journey I am on.
My name is Kristi and I'm 41 years old. Trust me that little bit of information will be useful in a minute. I have 4 beautiful children L is 24, a teacher, and married to the sweetest man. I couldn't be more proud of anyone in my life. C is almost 22, she still lives in my home state and is an absolute sweetheart of a girl. I love her more than life itself. J&P are 7 years old and the unmitigated lights of my life! They are sweet, caring bundles of mischief and energy just like 7 year old boys should be. F is my soul mate. He is a caring loving man who alternately drives me to distraction and adoration. I can't imagine my life without him.

After C was born I chose to have a tubal ligation (TL) b/c I was in a marriage that was doomed to fail, and being only 20 years old with 2 children both conceived while on birth control, I just couldn't risk getting pregnant again. When I met and married F we knew we wanted children so we consulted with my OBGYN who informed me that a tubal ligation reversal (TR) wouldn't work and that our best bet was IVF. Since I was still relatively young at 34 years old it would be a breeze. So off we trotted to the RE for IVF. It took the good part of a year and almost $100,000.00 but we did eventually get pregnant. Imagine our surprise when we were told that I was having twins! We were alternately scared and overjoyed. The pregnancy was a nightmare and full of fear and stress, but at 35weeks I gave birth to beautiful, big, healthy identical baby boys. The surprises never cease!

That brings me to last summer (2007). We were driving down the road and F asked me if I ever think about "it." What? I asked him what he was talking about and he asked me if I still thought about having another baby. OMG! This was a dream come true. I couldn't believe he was willing to consider this. It has been my dream for 4 years to have another baby. There was only one problem. I will not ever do IVF again. I just can't put myself through the mental and physical rigors that it entails. I had done research into a TR 4 years ago and found a wonderful doctor and even had an initial consult with him, but life intervened and we never followed through with the surgery. Now F was bringing it up on his own. I contacted the surgeon again and in October of 2007 I scheduled the surgery for late November. Unfortunately life intervened again and F got very ill and was in the hospital for 3 weeks with Levaquin resistant pneumonia. He developed a pulmonary abscess which and he was not allowed to fly so we had to postpone the surgery. I was devastated and angry. I don't know what I was angry at, but I was angry just the same.

On January 20th we flew to Louisville, KY to have the surgery. It was a huge success and I ended up with tubes of 10.5 cm and 10.25 cm (anything over 4 is great!) The surgeon said that my tubes, "should work." Well they do!

After my recovery period I got pg the first try out of the gate. Unfortunately it was a chemical pregnancy and I lost it at 4w4d. I was sad, but also hopeful since it was obvious that my tubes were open and now I could get pregnant. We threw ourselves into trying again as soon as possible. I ovulated again 3 weeks after the miscarriage and got pregnant AGAIN! God is so good and we were thrilled when a very early u/s showed us a gestational sac. Unfortunately this pregnancy was doomed to fail as well. An ultrasound at 5w3d showed that the sac had not grown. I went back the next week and although the sac had grown and my numbers had gone up there was nothing in the sac. I was crushed. The Dr. gave me some medicine to hasten the miscarriage and now we are in a holding pattern until July.

When I went to the Dr. with my first miscarriage in March the Dr. was astounded that 1. I wanted to get pregnant at my age and 2. that I had a TR. According to him TRs never work. Well obviously they do! Then when I got pg again so soon after the m/c he refused to believe that it was a new pregnancy and ordered an ultrasound. As I tried to convince him that it was a new pregnancy he told me that it was virtually impossible for a woman my age to get pregnant 2 times in 2 months. Uh, really? Well guess what? I DID! I switched doctors after that ultrasound. My new doctor is a dream and I pray that the next pregnancy will be a keeper.

So that is my journey so far. I will post updates on the wait, the emotions of dealing with a miscarriage, the challenges of TTC with school aged children at home and basically anything I can think of. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Tell your friends and my God sprinkle baby dust on all who desire it.


PS. Although my real name is Kristina the only people who call me that are my in-laws and F when he is mad so Kristi will work just fine!