So I had another dark:30 appointment at the RE today. When he walked in he asked how I'm doing. Does he really want to know? Does he want to know that I am completely heartbroken for my friend T? Does he want to know that I am so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired that I just might scream? I don't think so. I just told him that I'm about done with all this fun. Then to lay back and let the fun begin! I have 5 almost mature follicles on my right ovary and my left ovary is still being the bitch that she is and hiding way behind my uterus. What the heck is that about? Really? When I asked the RE about my blood levels being so high indicating more follicles than we would like he told me that with Lucy Lefty over there hiding the chance of getting pregnant from that ovary is slim to none. She is just too far away from Beauty Tube so we will proceed from here on out as if I just have Mighty Righty doing all the work.
So now we wait. Wait for the results of today's blood work to see what my E2 levels are and to see if I trigger tonight or tomorrow. Either way the IUIs are scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Hooray. No more Follistim for me!
In an only in New York moment, the RE asked me why I looked so upset. I told him about T and in true New Yorker style he came to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Yes, that does suck!" What caring, what professionalism. You know what? It was exactly what I needed to hear. On another note if I do get pregnant this cycle I can say that Natalie Portman's father knocked me up! Yep! Dr. H is on call Friday and Saturday and is Natalie Portman's father! Now do you think he can put a little of that tiny, beautiful, talented baby girl mojo on F's "donation?" It would be nice!
I'll update later when I get my numbers in.
Surprising no one
9 years ago