Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It is in God's hands now

What a crazy wacky cycle this has been. I told myself I wasn't going to obsess. I told myself I wasn't going to drive myself and dh crazy. LOL! I was doing it. I was peeing on the ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor sticks, regular OPK and even took an hpt just to make sure that there wasn't something funky going on with my pee. No, I'm not obsessing. Right? Then came the thermometer issues and my temps being so very very low. Finally, I had basically no CM whatsover. I couldn't even really call it creamy. It was just gone. What is going on? I finally came to the conclusion that July was going to be anovulatory and quit feeding the monitor sticks b/c they are so dang expensive. I was a little disappointed, but not surprised b/c for some reason July is almost always an off month for me. So what happens. 2 days after stopping all tracking except for BBT I get a tiny bit of EWCM. Not as much as usual, but it was some. My temp spiked and I thought I had finally Ovulated. Yesterday my temp was back down but to my normal pre O temp. Hmmmm? Maybe I didn't ovulate. Then the EWCM started up in abundance! Holy Moly I think it was all just sitting and waiting for O day! Dh and I managed, despite incredible fatigue, to get busy and hopefully the little soldiers are having a party with the egg.

I started the lovenox on CD 12 and will continue until either af shows or the baby is almost ready to be delivered. I'm hoping for the latter of course.

But I am determined NOT to test until August 1 or 4th as those are the days that I got bfp with my twins. I will not pull and push on my BBS to see if they are sore. If I get nauseous I will assume it is something I ate and not early morning sickness. I will play with my sons and be grateful that they are in my life. I will not obsess. It is too emotionally exhausting!

It is a plan at least. We'll see how well I do with it.
